
15/02/2024 - 22:40:49

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ID: 1a8a6398f44d653006fac0d92d398d74375531f3485afb951712a8329ef52f45

Publication: 03-04-2024 15:20:00

Titre: OPEC+ Committee Calls on Members to Compensate for Overproduction

The Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee (JMMC), the OPEC+ panel that monitors oil market developments and the group’s production cuts, didn’t recommend on Wednesday any changes to output policy but noted that compliance with the cuts needs to improve. The JMMC held a brief regular meeting today and, as widely expected, did not recommend to the OPEC+ ministers to change the current levels of oil production cuts. However, the panel, which doesn’t decide policy but only recommends a course of action to the ministers,… 


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